The MIDJersey Chamber of Commerce is hosting a timely event about immigration reform and how it will benefit your company. Business leaders, government officials, nonprofits and prominent leaders will discuss the effect of current U.S. immigration policy on New Jersey businesses and jobs; the economic impact of immigration reform in the state, and their effort to pass the immigration bill in the House of Representatives. The program will be moderated by Ryan Stark Lilienthal, Legislative Liaison for the New Jersey Chapter of the American Immigration Lawyers Association.From an economic perspective, the case for a comprehensive immigration reform package is clear. Immigrants are integral to New Jersey’s history and economy. 29 percent of New Jersey’s business owners are immigrants. A study from the Eagleton Institute of Politics at Rutgers showed that immigrants earn 23 percent of all earnings statewide, and contribute up to $288 billion to the state’s economy annually. Moreover, it will help enhance the labor force for science, technology, engineering, and mathematic (STEM) industries.Immigration reform strengthens workforce development, spur new business creation, and bolster consumer demand. Furthermore, the additional tax revenue and jobs New Jersey stands to gain with immigration reform will be a boon to our local and state economies.To view further details and register, please click on this link: Immigration Reform Breakfast Forum.